Battery Canon NB-13L 1010mAh Li-Ion PREMIUM

Obrázek (69)
Obrázek (69)
NB-13L Canon PowerShot G7 X Canon PowerShot G5 X Canon PowerShot G9 X Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II Canon PowerShot SX720 HS
More about the product
Expected date of stocking: On request
Catalog numberPT1253
Personally in shop:Monday 3.2With a delivery company:Tuesday 4.2
42,5 EUR 35,1 EUR excl. VAT
Warranty 24/6 months
Recycling fee 0 EUR
NB-13L Canon PowerShot G7 X Canon PowerShot G5 X Canon PowerShot G9 X Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II Canon PowerShot SX720 HS
Obrázek (69)Obrázek (69)

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