Battery Nikon EN-EL5 1200mAh Li-Ion Premium

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Nikon EN-EL5 Nikon ENEL5 Kompatibilní s přístroji: Nikon CoolPix 3700 Nikon CoolPix 4200 Nikon CoolPix 5200 Nikon CoolPix 5900 Nikon CoolPix 7900 Nikon CoolPix P500 Nikon CoolPix P510 Nikon CoolPix P520
More about the product
In stock
Catalog numberPT1165
Personally in shop:tomorrowWith a delivery company:the day after tomorrow
15,7 EUR 13,0 EUR excl. VAT
Warranty 24/6 months
Recycling fee 0 EUR
Nikon EN-EL5 Nikon ENEL5 Kompatibilní s přístroji: Nikon CoolPix 3700 Nikon CoolPix 4200 Nikon CoolPix 5200 Nikon CoolPix 5900 Nikon CoolPix 7900 Nikon CoolPix P500 Nikon CoolPix P510 Nikon CoolPix P520
Obrázek (1139)Obrázek (1139)

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